Unravelling the secrets of crisis detection
Organized by Arjen Boin (Leiden University) and Magnus Ekengren (Swedish National Defence University)
Leiden, 11 June 2025
Policymakers and organizational leaders are all too often surprised by crises. Theoretical research and a wide variety of inquiries have identified the common factors that smooth the way to strategic surprise. During this conference, we will explore possible roads to successful crisis detection.
Practitioners will meet with researchers to develop exciting developments in different arenas:
- Detecting geopolitical shifts
- Assessing cyber threats
- The promise of Artificial Intelligence
- How successful experts reason
- High-reliability organisations (HROs)
- Detection of fraud
More details will follow!
There will be Dutch and English sessions at the conference.
There is a limited number of places available for academics and practitioners with an interest in crisis detection. For inquiries, please contact Mr. Siebe Overdijk (s.e.c.overdijk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl)